Add our Signature on your profile
You most need to have account on forums for add our signature, it's easy to set if you have account on forums than copy below links and go to your EDIT PROFILE than past below links on your EDIT
Get FREE Bonus
Ones you added below links on your signature, you will be need to report us your all posting links. We will check your posting and after calculation we will sent funds within first week of month.
Bonus Amount Calculation
We have two types reward for members:
1. Normal Members - that means member have only account and don't have buy membership on forums so he/she allowed on signature only text format
51-100 POSTING = $0.50 USD
101-250 POSTING = $1.00 USD
251- 500 POSTING = $2.00 USD
501-1000 POSTING = $3.00 USD
1001-2500 POSTING = $4.00 USD
2501-5000 POSTING = $5.00 USD
Russian Forums Signature:
English Forums Signature:
2. Premium Members (Only for users.) - that means member have account on forums with buying membership, so he/she allowed to add our 468x60 size banner with text format:
01-50 POSTING = $1.00 USD
51-100 POSTING = $2.00 USD
101- 200 POSTING = $3.00 USD
201-300 POSTING = $4.00 USD
301-500 POSTING = $7.00 USD
501-1000 POSTING = $8.50 USD
1001-5000 POSTING = $10.00 USD
Russian Image Signature:
English Image Signature: